Monday 16 January 2012

Composing Music 1 at OCA

I'll be using this blog as a learning log for the course "Composing Music 1" i'm taking at OCA.
After having gone through all my paperwork with OCA (student card for discounts :-), student profile, forum, etc) I've just spent a couple of days going through basic music theory on music notation on rythm (chapters 1,3 and 5 of The AB guide to Music Theory by Eric Taylor). I've mainly revised how to group notes and rests as a function of their duration and time signature as well as when to use ties vs. dots. However, I've also come across some new terms I was not familiar with such as "duplets" for compound time signatures (similar to triplets in simple time signatures) and other irregular divisions for simple and compound time values.
(I) I'll make sure I'll play with irregular division on the percurssion compositions of the chapter 1.

I have also adquired Sibelius 6 and therefore ... now i'm ready to start reading through the projects and exercises of part 1 on the course.

bye now!

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